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The Plan

Posted by david224 on April 22, 2009

Ronald Reagan was convinced that capitalism was the better system. He despised communism for a number of reasons. They ranged from his belief  in capitalism and everyone working for themselves to his steadfast belief in God which the Soviets labeled at the opiate of the masses. Following his election to the Presidency he kept his campaign promise and adopted a more aggressive confrontational posture toward the Soviet Union. Part of this confrontation included a massive increase in military spending. Some of the programs that received increased funding besides the regular military were SDI(star wars) which was a space based ballistic missile defense project, also the navy was being revamped and expanded to what Reagan called 600 ship navy.  Reagan increased military spending by about 100 billion per fiscal year. This program was more than just being prepared for a war. This massive increase in military spending was a direct challenge to the USSR because the USA had a well established lead in military technology. Reagan wanted to bolster patriotism, pride, and preperation at home while scaring the Soviets.

U.S. Military Spending, 1945-1996

Annual Military Spending

(Billions of 1996 Dollars in Outlays)

1984 test of a Missile Defense project

1984 test of a Missile Defense project

Year Spending Year Spending
1945 962.7 1971 311.7
1946 500.6 1972 289.1
1947 133.7 1973 259.5
1948 94.7 1974 243.8
1949 127.8 1975 242.0
1950 133.0 1976 234.0
1951 225.7 1977 232.7
1952 408.5 1978 233.2
1953 437.0 1979 237.4
1954 402.1 1980 246.2
1955 344.5 1981 260.8
1956 320.7 1982 282.0
1957 322.4 1983 303.2
1958 317.9 1984 318.1
1959 306.9 1985 343.7
1960 289.6 1986 363.7
1961 291.1 1987 371.1
1962 300.0 1988 372.8
1963 293.3 1989 376.2
1964 294.8 1990 358.7
1965 268.3 1991 316.5
1966 297.3 1992 328.6
1967 354.1 1993 312.1
1968 388.9 1994 290.3
1969 371.8 1995 272.1
1970 346.0 1996 265.6 (est.)

One Response to “The Plan”

  1. david224 said

    Images from Life photo archive
    Chart and information from Center for Defense Information

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