David’s Blog

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A Day in the Life

Posted by david224 on April 20, 2009

Despite the war of words between Moscow and Washington the average citizens on both sides shared more characteristics than not. Often lost in the histories of the subject are the lives of the common citizens. Political and economic ideologies separated these people yet these did not lead to vastly different value system. People on both sides shared common hopes, dreams and worries. Families on both sides were the common social unit. While settings were different from suburbs of American cities to apartments of Kiev families were still the most important bond in society. Despite the lack of organized religion there were many values shared between Americans and Soviets. Basic morals and ethics did not disapear with the churches and synagogues. In many cases religious practice continued just underground to avoid the gaze of the state.

Russian Poster

German poster depicting a Soviet Family

San Fransisco suburb

San Fransisco suburb

One Response to “A Day in the Life”

  1. david224 said

    Images from LIFE photo archive

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